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Webinar Recording Available

On August 22, 2017, ACSRPC member Dr. Joan Burke presented a webinar on Selection for Parasite Resistance. The webinar was sponsored by the American Sheep Industry Association's Let's Grow Program. It was hosted by Dr. Jay Parsons from the University of Nebraska.

The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing on YouTube. The PowerPoint slides from Dr. Burke's presentation may be downloaded here.

Genetic resistance to parasite infection is arguably the best means of gastrointestinal parasite control. It can be achieved through selection of sires with favorable estimated breeding values in programs such as the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP), which will be reflected by lower parasite infection measures in offspring.

Dr. Joan Burke is a USDA-ARS research animal scientist at the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Arkansas.

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