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FAMACHA© Workshops and Similar Events


With the exception of veterinarians and other qualified animal health professionals, you must take an approved training in order to get certified in the FAMACHA© system and receive a FAMACHA© card. This page lists some upcoming FAMACHA© certification workshops. Workshops generally require RSVP (pre-registration) and payment of a registration fee.  Please contact the webmaster if you would like to have a workshop added to the page. Please provide date, sponsor, location, and contact information. The instructor of the workshop must be approved by the consortium.



January 28
Parasite Management Training and Certification
Crawford, Georgia
Info:  Shanna Reynolds at (706) 743-8341 or


April 19 
Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA© Certification Workshop
University of Maine
Foxcroft Veterinary Services, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
Event page to register




This page was last updated 12.01.24.​


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