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Timely Topics

Since August 2012, more than sixty (60) Timely Topics have been published to the web site of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (ACSRPC).  They are now listed according to their topic. The articles were written mostly by members of the consortium and cover a variety of topics. Of course, all topics pertained to internal parasite control in small ruminants:  sheep, goats, and camelids (llamas and alpacas). Some of the Timely Topics are available as fact sheets in PDF format. In 2022, the consortium began translating some of the more popular Timely Topics into Spanish.  In 2024, new Timely Topics will be published monthly and the old ones will either be updated or removed from the web site.  Contact us to suggest a topic for a Timely Topic.                                                        

Timely Topics published in 2024
Florida Cracker: a heritage breed with natural resistance to internal parasites [Estrada]

Managing Barber’s Pole Worm and other Gastrointestinal Parasites in a Solar Grazing System [Weaver, Thorne]
Controlling Haemonchus contortus in large, extensively managed flocks [Thorne]

Crystal Proteins:  a novel alternative to manage gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats [Kass, Petersson]

Use of Toltrazuril (and its metabolites) in Small Ruminants in the US [Diehl]

How safe are dewormers? [Schoenian]
A Revolution in Animal Health Monitoring using Artificial Intelligence for Goats and Sheep [Siddique]


Timely Topics updated in 2024
Combination Dewormers:  The Time is Now [Kaplan]  |  PDF
Disgusting tapeworms [Zajac] | PDF

The DrenchRite Assay™ [Howell/Storey and Vatta]

Periparturient Egg Rise (Schoenian)

Sericea lespedeza for natural control of coccidiosis (Schoenian)
Sericea lespedeza: a "wise man's alfalfa" (Terrill)



Decreasing barber pole larvae population on grass pastures: is liquid nitrogen fertilizer a viable alternative? [Luginbuhl]
Does Diatomaceous Earth Have a Role in Worm Control? [Whitley]
Do herbal dewormers work? [O'Brien]



Coccidiosis in lambs and kids [Mobini]
Disgusting tapeworms [Zajac] | PDF
The Four Phases of Parasitic Infection (Miller)
Haemonchus contortus thrives in upper midwestern U.S. [Ehrhardt]
How To Grow Worms (or Not) [Hart]

Understanding the Risk Factors for Infection is Essential in Developing a Sustainable Parasite Management Plan  [Ehrhardt] | PDF

White Eyes and Bottle Jaw:  Are There Zebras?  [Zajac]


Copper oxide wire particles

Copper oxide wire particles to control Haemonchus contortus in small ruminants [Burke]

Copper Oxide Wire Particles: Keeping It Safe [Williamson]  | PDF
Using Copper Oxide Wire Particles to Increase Dewormer Efficacy [Burke et al]


Dewormer resistance
Changing dogma: changes to parasite management in the 2000's to keep your dewormers working [Burke, Morgan]

Do you know which dewormer(s) are effective on your farm? [Escobar]

The DrenchRite Assay™ [Howell/Storey and Vatta]
Potential solutions for highly resistant worms in sheep and goats [Hart]
Test Your Knowledge of Management Practices That Affect Dewormer Resistance [Arnold]


How safe are dewormers? (Schoenian)
Oral moxidectin more effective [Schoenian]
Should I consider using LongRange™ dewormer for parasite control in small ruminants? [Kaplan]

When deworming is not enough [Whitley] | PDF | in Spanish
Why does it take so long for new dewormers to become available on the market for small ruminants? [Vatta]


Do's and Don'ts of FAMACHA© Scoring [Petersson] | PDF

Why didn't deworming improve FAMACHA scores? [Hart]


Fecal egg counts

Role of fecal egg counts in sheep/goat health (Schoenian) | PDF  | In Spanish


Blueprint for Selecting Parasite Resistant Sheep: A Shepherd's Perspective [Bielak]
Florida Cracker: a heritage breed with natural resistance to internal parasites (Estrada)
How can artificial insemination (AI) further parasite resistance in sheep? [Burke, Wildeus]

Impact of Selection and Breed on Resistance [Andries]

Resistance: it's a gene frequency thing [Getz]
Selection for Parasite Resistance [Burke]

Stop Selecting Sissy Sheep (and Goats)! [Bath]

The value of using FEC EBVs (Burke)


Controlling worms in dairy goats: a challenge [Hart]
Double Trouble (Schoenian) | In Spanish
Haemonchus contortus and camelids [Williamson]
Organic Management of Internal Parasites [Coffey]  | PDF
The periparturient egg rise [Schoenian]
Relatively low-cost, easy fixes to decrease gastrointestinal loads on the farm [Luginbuhl]
The impact of parasite infections on small ruminant productivity [O'Brien]

Tips for preventing internal parasites [Coffey, Hale]


2019 NAHMS Goat Study (Miller)

Lassoing worms of exotic ruminant hoof stock in zoos [Miller]
A Revolution in Animal Health Monitoring using Artificial Intelligence for Goats and Sheep (Siddique)

Working with a veterinarian [Coffey]


Pasture management
Characteristics of browse plants for goats and sheep [Turner]
High quality forage helps to maintain resilience to GI parasites [Turner]
Improving parasite management with annual crops [Ehrhardt]

Late summer parasite management strategies in goats [Andries]
Silver Bullet Step One:  Just Do It!  [Casey]
The "silver bullet" of worm control in small ruminants [Casey]
Silver bullet seconded: can the right grazing strategy control parasites? [Scott]

Stocking Density Impacts Worm Loads: Let Us Count the Ways [Morgan]


Sericea lespedeza and other tannins
Sericea lespedeza for natural control of coccidiosis [Schoenian]
Sericea lespedeza: "wise man's alfalfa" [Terrill]

Using tannin-containing legumes to control GI parasites: to pellet or not [Hoste]


Last updated 08.27.24.  Links last verified 06.13.24

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