Sam Coleman
Research Animal Scientist
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
(405) 262-5292 x247
Grazinglands Research Laboratory
7207 W. Cheyenne St.
El Reno, OK 73036
Sam Coleman has served as a Research Animal Scientist with USDA, ARS for 36 yrs at the El Reno, Oklahoma and Brooksville, Florida L locations. He received a B.S. in General Agriculture from the University of Tennessee (UT) at Martin, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from UT-Knoxville, the final in 1972. He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Belle Glade station for 3 years before joining USDA. He currently is conducting research to quantify contributions of cattle to greenhouse gas production in extensive systems. He has authored research on the plant-animal interface trying to determine factors that influence intake of grazing animals, methods to measure intake on pasture, genetics and the effect of finishing regime on growth and carcass traits in cattle, and components of intake and energy expenditure in small ruminants. His work with near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate forage quality, forage species, and animal intake and digestibility has led to his interest in the consortium work. He is the leader on analysis using NIRS of tannin and other compounds that might be beneficial as natural compounds for parasite control.