Videos from NCAT ATTRA
NCAT ATTRA is a national clearing house for information on sustainable agriculture.
FAMACHA© in a Nutshell (2018)
Dr. Jim Miller
Runtime: 6 minutes 55 seconds
How to take samples for a ruminant fecal egg count (2018)
Runtime: 1 minutes 10 seconds
How to administer COWP boluses (2018)
Dr. Jim Miller
Runtime: 1 minutes 43 seconds
FAMACHA© Score Out West (2016)
Dave Scott
Runtime: 10 minutes 25 seconds
Don't let the barber pole worm ravage your flock (2019)
Dave Scott
Runtime: 1 hours 17 minutes
Managing internal parasites (2019)
Linda Coffey
Part 1: Know the Enemy (54:13)
Part 2: Outsmart the enemy (1:00:22)
Part 3: Attack the Enemy (1:09:15)
Managing Your Flock (2020)
Linda Coffey and Joan Burke
Part 1: Diagnosing and Treating Sick Sheep
Part 2: Preventing internal parasites
How to take a blood sample (2018)
Chad Lee, USDA ARS
Runtime: 2 minutes 37 seconds