Dr. Sudhanshu Panda
Professor, GIS/Environmental Science
Institute of Environmental Spatial Analysis
(678) 717-3594
(678) 717-3770 (fax)
University of North Georgia
3820 Mundy Mill Road
Oakwood, Georgia 30566
Dr. Sudhanshu Panda is a professional engineer whoe specializes in soil and water engineering, precision agriculture, site specific crop management, and geospatial technology and its application in sustainable environmental management. He is working as a professor of GIS & Environmental Science in the Institute of Environmental Spatial Analysis at University of North Georgia. He received his PhD in Engineering from the Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering program of North Dakota State University. He earned his M.S. degree in Environmental Remote Sensing for Geo-information Development from the School of Space Technology Application Research of Asian Institute of Technology. He has his B.S. degree in Agricultural Engineering from Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology.
Dr. Panda has the unique experience of working in all three platforms of professional career, i.e., 1) at first as a field engineer (Soil Conservation Engineer) for the Government of Odisha, India, in charge of survey, design, construction supervision, and project evaluation of soil conservation structures such as water harvesting structures, diversion weirs, small earthen embankments, contour bunds, gully control structures, etc., to control erosion, reduce siltation in reservoir, and recharge ground water; 2) in the second phase as a Water Resources Engineer/Remote Sensing & GIS Expert in an Engineering Consulting Company in Bangkok, Thailand, being responsible for multi-million dollars proposal writing and assisting in completion of survey and design of water related structures like bridges and culverts for funded projects on railway lines, ports, and highway interchanges; 3) and lastly as an academic and researcher in the United States, being involved in full load teaching of geospatial technology (geographic information systems, remote sensing, global navigation satellite systems, and information technology), engineering (graphics & design), information technology (foundation of programming and foundation of web design) and environmental science (hydrology, soils, landuse conservation, watershed characterization, environmental spatial analysis, etc.) courses, researching in the fields of bioenergy production, global warming and climate change, water resources/watershed management, precision agriculture, site specific crop management, forest management, animal health management, sustainable biodiversity management with geospatial technology and artificial neural network application.
Dr. Panda is a prolific modeler, developing models with ArcGIS ModelBuilder along with in statistics and artificial neural networks platform. He is a software developer with Visual Basics Studio and Python for environmental management decision support system development along with a strong expertise on WebGIS site development. He is an expert in sustainable water resource management decision support system development through his skills of geospatial technology, programming, model development, web design (WebGIS and the Web database management), and quick and sharp innovative thinking due to his real-world field experiences. He has experience of obtaining and successfully completing grants from various federal (NSF, NASA, NIFA, USGS, USDA-Forest Service, etc.), regional (GA-EPD and Idaho BLM), local (County governments), university (UNG, Gwinnett Technical College) and private (Georgia Power) funding sources. Recently he is involved on developing a Real-Time Small Ruminant Health Management System through animal movement tracking with RFIDs and providing instant suggestion to farmers on site specific fodder production, partnering with Fort Valley State University and University of Pretoria, South Africa. Teaching is Dr. Panda’s biggest passion and helping students to build their lives is his ultimate goal (not speaking it loosely- he lives it) in life and he is an enthusiastic researcher.
Last updated 10.26.18