Dr. Leyla Rios de Alvarez
Mississippi State University
Animal and Dairy Sciences Department
4010 Wise Center, Box 9815
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762
Leyla Rios is a Sheep & Goat Specialist at the Mississippi State University (MSState), for Extension & Research. She has an Animal Science degree and an M.S. in Animal Production/Nutrition from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) and a Ph.D. in Interaction Nutrition-Parasites from the University of Edinburgh and Moredun Research Institute (Scotland, UK), where she worked with Drs. John Huntley and Frank Jackson. She is a former Associate Professor from UCV and Associate Researcher at the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (Agrosavia), where she was the leader of the research group working on the small ruminants’ project in the Caribbean regions and Highland of Colombia, was also a member of the Livestock Scientific Committee and the IACUC Committee. Since December 2020 at MSState, Dr. Ríos has been an Assistant Professor in a position that is 60% Extension and 40% Research, to attend sheep and goat farmers statewide, conduct training, and develop research in small ruminant production. Her research lines are the use of bioactive forages and plant secondary metabolites for gastrointestinal parasite control in small ruminants and have worked also on the welfare of foraging sheep.
Fact sheets
Nodule (Nodular) worms - Oesophagostomum [February 2023]
Resources translated into Spanish
Cuando la desparasitación no es suficiente [December 2022]
¡Doble problema! [February 2024]
Rol del conteo fecal de huevos en la salud de ovejas/cabras [December 2022]
Sericea lespedeza [December 2022]
Last updated 02.24.23