Dr. Herve Hosté
Université de Toulouse, ENVT.
23 Chemin des Capelles. F-31076.
Toulouse, Cedex, France
Dr. Hervé Hoste graduated as a DVM in 1982. He obtained his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche) in 1997. He has been appointed by INRA since 1983 and he is now an INRA Senior Researcher within the UMR 1225 IHAP in Toulouse, which is a joint research unit between INRA and the Toulouse Veterinary School (ENVT). INRA is the largest Research Institute in Europe dedicated to Agricultural Research. ENVT is one of 4 French Veterinary Schools. The UMR IHAP’s research focuses on interactions between host animals and pathogens. Within IHAP, Dr Hoste’ team works on the “Interactions between Nematodes and the Digestive Environment”.
Hervé Hoste has conducted research in veterinary parasitology, especially on Gastrointestinal Nematodes of sheep and goats, for 30 years. His main scientific researches aimed at better understanding the pathophysiological and pathogenic mechanisms explaining the disturbances and damages due to GINs in small ruminants and more recently to analyze the influence of gut environment on GINs, in relation with animal feed (nutraceuticals). However, strong links have always been maintained between these basic researches and more applied ones with potential farm applications, in particular in the field of alternative approaches to commercialized synthetic anthelmintics in the control of GINs, in a context of wide spread resistance to these AHs in worm populations.
His research has led to approximately150 articles in international scientific journals and/or in publications dedicated to dissemination towards veterinary practitioners, extension services ,and farmer communities. Hervé Hoste is currently involved in several EU projects. He is also a member of the board of the International Goat Association and vice chair of the COST Action CAPARA.
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Using tannin-containing legumes to control GI parasites: to pellet or not [June 2017]