Dr. Enrique Nelson Escoboar
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Princess Anne, Maryland
Dr. Enrique Nelson Escobar joined the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) as an assistant professor and Extension Specialist in small ruminants in July 2009. He serves as an instructor of courses in small ruminant production and management with emphasis on ruminant nutrition, livestock management, preventive health schedules, marketing, and added value products; advises undergraduate and graduate students about on-campus research activities, curriculum development, and the origination of university courses; supervises the operation of the UMES small ruminant farm; and conducts research and extension programs serving the demands of Maryland sheep/goat producers while collaborating with University of Maryland Extension in statewide small ruminant program events, including related activities at the Maryland State Fair.
Dr. Escobar worked with sheep and goat producers in Texas and Oklahoma and now provides leadership to the UMES Sheep and Goat Program. Dr. Escobar obtained an agricultural engineer degree from the University of El Salvador, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park. He has collaborated with local, state, and national teams to develop projects managing goats to utilize unwanted vegetation, thus improving land vocation and value. In addition, he developed projects for field and laboratory studies to support a fair regulatory somatic cell count in goat milk and for the development of kits to detect antibiotic residue in goat milk. Dr. Escobar also co-coordinated the small farm program and sustainable agriculture program in Oklahoma, collaborating with Oklahoma State University in developing training workshops for agriculturists, extension educators, and farmers. At USDA/Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES–now NIFA), Dr. Escobar assisted in supporting the activities of the CSREES Small Farms Program and also functioned as the Executive Director of the USDA Advisory Committee on Small Farms.
Dr. Escobar has continued the effort at UMES toward the research and adoption of integrated parasite management practices in small ruminants. Among other activities, since his arrival to UMES, Dr. Escobar has conducted training workshops for sheep/goat producers on the use of the FAMACHA© color chart to identify severely parasitized sheep and goats; roundtables to discuss the management and nutrition of pregnant does and ewes; clinics to identify practices increasing the survival of lambs and kids, and training workshops on the artificial insemination of goats. All training activities conducted at the UMES small ruminant farm include a classroom component and hands-on training activities to re-enforce concepts and practices. Dr. Escobar is implementing a capacity building grant to study and demonstrate the impact of the use of small ruminants to utilize unwanted plant species. Also, he aims to find links among the production, marketing, and utilization of meat and meat products from small ruminant species. Internationally, Dr. Escobar has collaborated with teams in Central America, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Armenia, and Nepal.

Conference proceedings
Alternative Compounds to Commercially Available Anthelmintics to be Used in Sheep and Goats - 10th anniversary conference ACSRPC, Fort Valley, GA [May 2013]
Herbs and Spices as Alternative Compounds to Manage Helminthosis in Sheep and Goats - W4: What Works With Worms Congress, Pretoria, South Africa [May 2015]
Timely Topics
Do you know which dewormer(s) are effective on your farm? [July 2013]
Same Problem: Different Part of the World [February 2017]