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ACSRPC Members Travel to Belgium

Nine members of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (ACSRPC) traveled to Ghent, Belgium, to participate in a joint COMBAR-ACSRPC meeting: Anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: who cares? The meeting was held August 27-29. Dr. Ray Kaplan from the University of Georgia and Dr. Anne Zajac from Virginia Tech were invited speakers. Other members presented posters and/or gave oral presentations. The ACSRPC delegation also included five international collaborators.

(L-R) Tom Terrill, Eric Morgan, Ray Kaplan, Jim Miller, Anne Zajac, Jan Van Wyk, Katherine Petersson, Joan Burke, Linda Coffey, Gareth Bath , Felipe Torres-Acosta, Herve Hoste, and Susan Schoenian. Not pictured: Nelson Escobar

COMBAR stands for combating anthelmintic resistance (in ruminants). It is a four year project in which scientists from twenty-five European countries are working together to combat anthelmintic resistance. Anthelmintic (dewormer) resistance is a world-wide problem.

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